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    Spiegazione del vocabolario commerciale

    Il trading è un processo complesso, che include molte azioni che una persona che non ha familiarità con il mondo finanziario troverà sconcertante. Una volta avviata la tua carriera di trading, sarai sommerso da termini commerciali di cui non conoscerai il significato. Non capirai immediatamente come il valore di mercato di un’azienda differisce dal suo valore contabile. Né capirai cosa sta per CPI e come è diverso da IPO, a meno che non ti forniamo un glossario di tutti i termini confusi che incontri in un’attività commerciale.

    Per aiutarti a evitare confusione, abbiamo compilato un glossario completo dei termini finanziari utilizzati nei mercati. Tutto il vocabolario commerciale è presentato nel nostro glossario in ordine alfabetico ed è spiegato con precisione linguistica. Qualsiasi termine finanziario che ti sembra sconcertante ora diventerà chiarissimo una volta che ne leggerai la definizione nel nostro glossario di seguito.

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    There are currently 10 names in this directory beginning with the letter F.
    Federal Reserve
    This term refers to the Federal Reserve Banks or Feds. It is the central bank which is in charge of financial stability in the US.
    Fiat Currency
    This is a national currency that is not pegged to the price of gold or silver. The value of fiat currency is based on the people’s faith in the country’s government or central bank that issue this currency.
    Financial Instrument
    It is a monetary contract between two parties – the buyer and the seller, which can be traded and settled. The contract represents an asset to the buyer and a financial liability to the seller.
    Financial Market
    It is a medium through which assets are traded, with their value determined by supply and demand.
    Floating Exchange Rate
    This term refers to a currency whose price is determined by supply and demand factors relative to other currencies. A Floating Exchange Rate is different from a Fixed Exchange Rate, determined by the government of the given currency.  
    Force Open
    This is a function on the trading platform that allows traders to enter a new bet in the opposite direction to an existing bet on the same market.  
    This is the foreign exchange market where participants convert one currency to another.
    Forward Contract
    This is a contract which has a defined date of expiry. This contract may vary between different instances. This makes it a non-standardized entity which can be customized according to a traded asset, expiry date, and a particular trading account.
    Funding Charges
    These fees are also called Interest Charges. They are levied on leveraged positions held open overnight.  
    Futures Contract
    This is an agreement between two parties to trade an asset at a predefined price on a specified date in the future.
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