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    Spiegazione del vocabolario commerciale

    Il trading è un processo complesso, che include molte azioni che una persona che non ha familiarità con il mondo finanziario troverà sconcertante. Una volta avviata la tua carriera di trading, sarai sommerso da termini commerciali di cui non conoscerai il significato. Non capirai immediatamente come il valore di mercato di un’azienda differisce dal suo valore contabile. Né capirai cosa sta per CPI e come è diverso da IPO, a meno che non ti forniamo un glossario di tutti i termini confusi che incontri in un’attività commerciale.

    Per aiutarti a evitare confusione, abbiamo compilato un glossario completo dei termini finanziari utilizzati nei mercati. Tutto il vocabolario commerciale è presentato nel nostro glossario in ordine alfabetico ed è spiegato con precisione linguistica. Qualsiasi termine finanziario che ti sembra sconcertante ora diventerà chiarissimo una volta che ne leggerai la definizione nel nostro glossario di seguito.

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    There are currently 15 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
    Call Option
    It is a contract that gives a buyer the right to buy a specific asset at a specific price on a specific date of expiry. The buyer is never obliged to do this, however. The value of a call option appreciates, if the asset’s market price goes up.
    Candlestick Chart
    A chart that indicates the trading range for the day as well as the opening and closing price. If the open price is higher than the close price, the rectangle between the open and close price is shaded. If the close price is higher than the open price, this area of the chart is not shaded.
    Cash Flow
    This is the amount of money coming into and going out of company’s accounts. It is reported in the company’s earnings announcements.
    Closing Price
    This is the last level at which an asset was traded before the market closed on any given day. Closing prices are used as a marker, when the assets’ movements over a longer period of time are evaluated.
    This is an asset given to secure a loan or as a guarantee of performance.
    It is the charge which an instrument broker levies for making traders on a trader’s behalf.
    It is a basic physical asset, used as a raw material in the production of goods or services. In trading, commodities are of four types: metals, energy, agricultural, and livestock. The most common examples of commodities traded these days at financial markets are oil, natural gas, gold, silver, platinum, grains, and beef.
    Contracts for Difference (CFDs)
    This is a type of financial derivative used in CFD trading. they are used to trade a variety of financial markets like shares, foreign exchange, commodities, indices, and bonds.
    Counter Currency
    This is the second currency listed in a currency pair.
    This is a Consumer Price Index, an average of several consumer goods and services used to give an indication of inflation.
    This is any form of money issued by a government or central bank and used as legal tender and a basis for trade.
    Currency Option
    It is a type of option contract that gives the holder the right to buy or sell a currency pair at a given price before a set time of expiry. The buyer is not obliged to do so, however. The holder of the option pays a premium to the seller.  
    Currency Pair
    These are the two currencies that make up a foreign exchange rate. For example, EUR/USD (Euro/U.S. Dollar).
    Current Account
    This is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (interest and dividends), and net transfer payments (foreign aid). The balance of trade is typically the key component to the current account.
    Current Ratio
    It is a measure used to establish a company’s ability to sell its tangible assets to pay off its short-term debt. The current ratio is useful in establishing the liquidity position of a business.
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