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    Spiegazione del vocabolario commerciale

    Il trading è un processo complesso, che include molte azioni che una persona che non ha familiarità con il mondo finanziario troverà sconcertante. Una volta avviata la tua carriera di trading, sarai sommerso da termini commerciali di cui non conoscerai il significato. Non capirai immediatamente come il valore di mercato di un’azienda differisce dal suo valore contabile. Né capirai cosa sta per CPI e come è diverso da IPO, a meno che non ti forniamo un glossario di tutti i termini confusi che incontri in un’attività commerciale.

    Per aiutarti a evitare confusione, abbiamo compilato un glossario completo dei termini finanziari utilizzati nei mercati. Tutto il vocabolario commerciale è presentato nel nostro glossario in ordine alfabetico ed è spiegato con precisione linguistica. Qualsiasi termine finanziario che ti sembra sconcertante ora diventerà chiarissimo una volta che ne leggerai la definizione nel nostro glossario di seguito.

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    There are currently 9 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
    It is an accounting term. It describes the method for recording revenues and expenses when they are incurred. It is not of no importance for this method of recording when cash is exchanged.
    This term refers to a company’s takeover of another company. The acquiring company will take over another company by buying its ownership stake, whether the majority of it or its entirety.
    InteracInvestor alerts, also called trading alerts, allow traders to set specified criteria and be immediately notified once these criteria have been met. There are three types of alerts in trading: economic announcements, price alerts, and indicator alerts.
    It is the process of spreading the repayment of a loan or the coast of an intangible asset over a specified time frame. Banks or copyright agencies set the condition of the spreading the repayment, allowing for amortization for a number of months or years. Amortization usually incurs interest payments, set at the discretion of the lender.
    It is a financial professional who is qualified to evaluate investments and makes recommendations to sell, buy, or hold an asset.
    Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    It is a yearly gathering between a company’s shareholders and its board directors. It is the only time when shareholders and directors meet. At AGM, directors present the company’s annual report.
    A product appreciates when its price goes up in response to market demand.
    It is a term related to trading. It is the practice of buying and selling an asset simultaneously to take advantage of a difference in price. The asset is usually sold in a different market, in a different form, or with a different financial product.
    It is an economic resource that is owned or controlled to return a profit or a future benefit. In financial trading, the term relates to what is being exchanged on markets; that is, to stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities.
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